Together we will pinpoint the areas you wish to improve and your achievable goals in order to set a customized program that will adapt progressively.


We analyse your body composition, including fat mass, muscle mass, lean body mass, water levels, protein, minerals, IMC, target weight and carry out a morphological assessment.


Nos soins corporels allient 6 technologies novatrices : Radiofréquence, Cavitation, Lasers Froids, système LED, Electrostimulation et Infrabike. BODYTEC 4U vous aide à traiter le relâchement cutané, à stimuler la production de collagène, et à diminuer la cellulite et les volumes graisseux.


Our facial treatments combine 4 technologies for a personalised protocol, targeting wrinkles, sagging skin and loss of elasticity. With the Diamond Micro-peel, Radiofrequency, Crypto and LED system, we exfoliate, unclog pores, regenerate, firm and reduce imperfections for more beautiful, rejuvenated skin from the very first session.


Offers effective solutions for skin imperfections such as scars, the after-effects of acne, spots and stretch marks. The colour of the LED light is adapted to the desired treatment, delivering impressive results from the very first session.


Intensely stimulates muscles, acting on 16 muscle groups simultaneously to promote fat loss and muscle building. A 25-minute session is equivalent to more than 3 hours of intensive sport, targeting the abdomen, buttocks, arms and legs for rapid and overall muscle regeneration.


Targets the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs and calves. Burn thousands of calories gently, strengthen your muscles, combat ageing and cellulite, improve the quality of your skin and your cardiovascular condition. Reduce stress and water retention and improve your general well-being. The ideal solution for getting back into great shape and getting back to work.